Artificial Intelligence (MSc) - Spring 2010
The final project definition is ready: N-Queens.
The deadline for handing your final project is 28th of Tir.
Final Project:
- Your final project will be the implementation of N-Queens game ( N < 20 )
- You must get N and search method number from input and print at least a solution for the N-Queens problem. Look here for more information.
- For each search method, print the number of expanded nodes to reach final solution.
- Search methods you should implement are as follows (employ a heuristic where needed):
- Breadth First Search
- Limited Depth First Search (depth = N)
- Greedy
- A*
- Hill Climbing
- Stochastic Hill Climbing
- Simulated Annealing
- Beam Search
- Genetic Algorithm
- Back Tracking
- Back Tracking + MRV
- Forward Checking
- Forward Checking + MRV
- Minimum Conflicts
- PSO (optional)
Fig: An example of 8 Queens (Taken from here)
Unsupervised Search:
- 3-2
- 3-4
- 3-5
- 3-6
- 3-7
- 3-8
- 3-9
- 3-13
- 3-10 (optinal)
- 3-17 (optinal)
Supervised Search:
- 4-2
- 4-3
- 4-8
- 4-9
- 4-11
- 4-16
Constraint Satisfaction:
- 5-3
- 5-4
- 5-6
- 5-13
Project Scoring Policy:
In order to take full mark of the code, you should answer all the questions about it correctly, ready to make minor changes on it in a limited time, know the concepts, show the modularity of your code, justify the correctness of your search method, explaining the challenges of the search and your heuristics, and so on.
Here are your midterm and finalterm exam questions (for your review).
Related Links:
- Each assignment will be scored from 100.
- Your final project will be scored from 500.
The overal assignments score will be a combination of these scores normalized to 100.